Postmodernism in Music

1. as a musical condition

simply the state of music in postmodernity, music after modernity in this sense, postmodern music does not have any one particular style or characteristic

2. as musical style

Daniel Albright (2004):

i. Bricolage - the construction or creation of a work from a diverse range of things which happen to be available

ii. Polystylism - the use of multiple styles or techniques of music

ii. Randomness - lack purpose, cause, order, or predictability that is related to the separation of a musical piece from the ego of the composer or performer

eclecticism n musical form or genre
self referential and ironic
blurs the boundaries between high art and popular art,
reducing the role of a composer in musical composition,

3. as musical technique

i. Use of synthesizers

ii. quotation from pre-existing material – reproduction of prerecorded sound

iii. electronic instruments

Digital technology made it easy to “cut and paste” different bits of sound, noise, and voice recordings into meaningful collages, while synthesizers and other electronic tools made it possible to reinvent pre-recorded sound in a wide variety of ways.



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